We are all creatures of habit and feel comfortable following
our routines. They are safe - if a little boring at times!

Fear of
failure very often prevents us from being creative and stepping out of our
comfort zone in the business world. Innovation is lost and we stagnate in our
orderly world. It is often the precursor to the death of a business.
How do we overcome the fear and take on new
challenges and try new things?
Start by
doing something on a regular basis which is out of your comfort zone. Do
something really small at first. For example, try walking down the street on
the opposite side to the one you normally choose. Or reverse the order you put
on your shoes or move your desk to a different part of the room. Little
challenges which you overcome easily will give you confidence to move to bigger
tasks without feeling stressed and anxious. Sit in a different part of the room
from your usual spot, and take a look at your business from a different
looking for new and different challenges. Every time you take on a new
challenge and conquer it you will get a satisfying rush of endorphins. Now the
uncomfortable will become an exciting opportunity rather than a fearful
experience to hide from. Write down all the benefits to you and your business
of taking up new challenges and getting more creative and pin them beside your
desk as a reminder.
Make 2016
the year you get comfortable with being uncomfortable!
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