Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Become a Great Leader, Not Just a Boss - Part 3

As part of my signature programme I coach many clients and I am frequently asked to advise on ways of improving their leadership skills. I thought I would share my best tips in a series of posts. (Click for Part 1 and Part 2.)

Here are another four quick tips:

Be self-motivated
Lead by example: those around you will pick up on your positive energy and motivation. You will create a team of self-motivated, proactive and energised people. Constantly take the initiative and always be willing to do more than the job you have been given. Doing more is an opportunity for you to practice more, and also a way to build your reputation.

Forgive people
Don’t hold grudges or be resentful. Treat every day as a lesson in experience and enjoy the lifelong learning. By asking – “what have we learned?” you re-frame negative past experiences into positives for learning and makes you a stronger leader.

Be happy and enjoy the success of others
Celebrate the achievements of those around you and enjoy spending time in the company of those who are successful and are achievers. It will be a great motivator for you and will attract happiness and success.

Treat obstacles as challenges which are a learning opportunity
A wise person said, “There are no problems, only opportunities”. Grab the opportunity to learn whenever you face a challenge. Enjoy the learning, because you know that you will gain something from it.

These skills can be learned and developed. You might already use these skills in your working life, but you might feel you can improve on them too. I can provide training, coaching or refreshers in how to improve your use of these skills, for your benefit and that of those around you.

Give me a call on 01497 820520 or email to find out more.