Monday, 11 November 2013

NLP Introduction Day

Organisers - LifeChangeConnection
When - Sunday 17 November
Where - Hereford
Cost - £10

Steve and Debs Adams are running an Introduction to NLP this weekend. It's open to anyone and is an opportunity to meet others interested in NLP and personal development. You may even learn some Derren Brown tricks along the way! It's an informal day that allows everyone to ask questions, practice some of the skills, and experience first hand the benefits of learning NLP. Lots of practical exercises - just an enjoyable day, all about you!

During this info-packed NLP training day, you will:

  • Learn powerful NLP techniques throughout the day.
  • Experience Steve and Debs' fun, friendly training style and see how they've applied NLP in their careers and personal lives.
  • Discern whether you wish to pursue further NLP study and related courses with Steve and Debs.
  • Spend an incredible day with like-minded people exploring the possibilities of NLP.
  • Avoid the discomfort of a sales pitch. We will not put you in the awkward position of a hard sell. It's up to you to choose to move forward with us and additional NLP training.

For more information please contact Steve or Debs at
or call 01432 376890.

Steve and Debs Adams, LifeChangeConnection, 4 Crossway Cottage, Roman Road, Hereford
Certified Trainers of NLP, Communication Skills, Team Building, CPD & IT Training Providers

Friday, 8 November 2013

Goal Setting in time for Christmas

Organisers - Butterfly Group
When - Saturday 16 November
Where - Clyro Hill Farm
Cost - 50% Christmas Discount: £30

Having SMART goals is the essential ingredient to any plan; whether that's losing weight in time for those Christmas Parties, or ensuring we have all the presents and food for the big day.

Come and join us and learn the true benefits of Goal Setting.

  • You will feel more confident to select your goals and targets
  • You will get the best possible from yourself and others because every action will be directed towards the desired goal
  • You will avoid all the perils and costs of having no goal - of being directionless
  • You will feel happier because you know that success means the realisation of your goals